Grief Recovery

Grief Recovery
The Grief Recovery Method is an evidence-based and action-oriented program designed to help people acknowledge, process, and move through the pain caused by death or any of the 40+ other major life transitions that lead to grief, numbness, and feelings of being stuck and unable to move forward in life.
The Grief Recovery Method helps grievers deal with those things they wish might have been different, better or more. It gives them the chance to address their dreams and hopes for the future, when what they are experiencing in the moment, was not what they had planned. It helps them address the emotions and words that was left unspoken.
Despite the loss experienced – there is hope for a better tomorrow.
Pamela offers both in person and online where you can go through the program from the comfort of your home but still be fully supported.
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Even though this program has therapeutic benefits, it should not be seen as a replacement for therapy and/or counseling.
Recovering From Loss
B. MSC..
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